In-progress projects

The North Carolina Project Portal is a platform, and associated process, designed to foster partnerships between state government and external researchers. Projects focus on priority questions that, when answered, help shape policies and programs to best serve North Carolians.

Explore below to learn about in progress projects.

Project Started: Newest to Oldest
Total Results: 20 Projects
In progress
What is the estimated social, economic, and environmental value of conserving natural and working lands (particularly wetlands) in North Carolina? What are the estimated social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with the degradation of wetlands that lost federal or state protections between 2022 and 2023?
Department or Agency: NC Department of Environmental Quality
Conservation Tax Law and PolicyCost/Benefit AnalysesEconomy-wide Impacts and Policy OptionsEnvironmental (Water Quality) Impacts and Policy OptionsFlood Risk and Flood ResiliencyState and Federal Lands Wetland ProtectionNatural and Working Lands Preservation and ConservationClimate Change - Carbon Sequestration Potential

The NC Project Portal is managed by the Office of State Budget & Management. Contact with questions, suggestions, or help posting an opportunity.