Call for Methodologists: Pre-Analysis Plan Review Panel

Project ended: March 3, 2023
Department or Agency: NC Office of State Budget & Management

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Open SciencePeer ReviewPre-Analysis PlansResearch Methods

Project Overview


The North Carolina Evaluation Fund awarded eight evaluation grants to state agencies in October 2022. The Fund, a joint effort of the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) and the NC Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP), supports partnerships between state agencies and researchers to address pressing program and policy questions. Selected projects will launch this winter and spring.

To promote the research integrity of funded projects, grantees must register a pre-analysis plan on the Open Science Framework before the study begins. Pre-analysis plans outline the technical details of the study design and key methodological decisions. Peer review and publication of a pre-analysis plan increases the rigor and credibility of research findings. (To learn more, see Yokum & Bowers, 2021).

OSBM is seeking individuals with expertise in research design and implementation to peer review these pre-analysis plans. The eight selected projects employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methods, aiming to measure descriptive statistics as well as estimate causal impacts.

Topics include teacher recruitment and retention; kindergarten readiness and academic achievement; juvenile recidivism; behavioral health; domestic violence; entitlement program enrollment; and workforce development. To learn more about the individual projects, see OSBM Press Release, “NC Evaluation Fund Awards $1 Million in Grants to State Agencies.”


  • Reviewers will provide written feedback to at least two research teams on their proposed pre-analysis plans. Additional support may involve 1-2 follow up discussions as needed. OSBM expects pre-analysis plan reviews to occur between January and April, depending upon individual project timelines.


OSBM will offer a $1000 stipend per project, including pre-analysis plan review and consultation.

The project is complete.

We’re eager to learn how you use the results and welcome any questions.

Project point of contact

Carrie Hollis

Principal Economic Analyst

NC Office of State Budget & Management

Project Team

Carrie Hollis

Principal Economic Analyst

NC Office of State Budget & Management

David Yokum

Chief Scientist

NC Office of State Budget & Management and NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

The NC Office of Strategic Partnerships communicates and checks regularly with Project Portal partners for updates to projects.

This project portal was developed by the NC Office of Strategic Partnerships and The Policy Lab at Brown University. If you have ideas for how to improve it, please let us know!